钱伟长讲坛第84讲:《On solitons, discrete integrability and mathematical miracles》

创建时间:  2024/10/23  魏仲奇   浏览次数:   返回

报告题目:《On solitons, discrete integrability and mathematical miracles

告人:Prof. Frank Nijhoff

报告时间:20241025日(星期五) 13:00



Frank Nijhoff, 洪堡学者,英国Leeds大学教授,是数学物理领域享有国际盛誉的学者,是离散可积系统Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (SIDE)国际会议指导委员常任主席,近四十年对数学物理,尤其是离散可积系统领域的研究,取得了一系列开创性的成果,是离散直接线性化理论、多维相容性、离散Lagrangian多形式理论(离散可积变分原理)等一系列重要方法与概念的提出者和创立者,实质性地推动了该领域的发展,是公认的离散可积系统领域国际领军学者。


Most nonlinear equations cannot be solved exactly, but there are exceptional equations that allow for exact solutions due to some deep underlying mathematical structures. These equations are said to be `integrable' and admit solutions that have great stability. Among those, solitons are solutions that behave like interacting particles, and have many applications in physics and modern technology. The talk will focus mostly on discrete integrable systems which are given not by differential equations, but by difference equations with finite time-step or with variables on a grid or a lattice. The talk will exhibit some mysterious connections, e.g. with quantum mechanics, the topology of knots and exceptional groups in algebra.



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